The Kanawha Valley Fellowship Home, Inc. is a safe, sober transitional home for men recovering from substance use disorder including alcoholism and drug addiction. Our abstinence-based program of structure, action and accountability serves men who are serious about maintaining their sobriety and are willing to work hard towards building a new life. We believe in building life skills and positive habits and endeavor to eliminate other barriers to recovery through a supportive environment that treats the whole person spiritually, mentally, and physically.
The Fellowship Home was established in 1967 and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that is WVARR certified through the West Virginia Alliance of Recovery Residence. Men are treated with dignity and respect and the program provides housing, education, and counseling plus many other benefits from like minded collaborators in our community like WV Health Right, Jobs and Hope, The United Way, and The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation to name a few.
The majority of our residents have also suffered from housing insecurity (approximately 98% according to "ALICE" statistics) because of their addiction. Our program lasts from 6 months to 3 years in 3 phases. It gives men progressive freedom from over-sight as they mature in their quest for permanent recovery. Low program fees allow men to prepare to re-enter society with money in the bank, financial literacy, and job skills to succeed and live happy, healthy productive lives with a sense of purpose.
Employees including the Executive Director and Assistant Director are active in long-term recovery and are overseen by a volunteer board of directors who strive to continually refine and improve the KVFH program of "structure, action, and accountability."